Prince of Persia - Sands of Time level skip

31 Dec 2003
Stoke on Trent
hi all,

This is a long shot, I know but does anyone have a level skip cheat for PoP Sands of Time please? I lost my save game which was about 60% of the way through the game and I really wanted to complete it :(

thanks if you can help.
thanks anyway Chris_beans, I didnt mention PC so you weren't to know.

psymonkee - I cant' remember...I was abotu 60%-70% that's all i can remember...
Speed demos archive have a vid of someone finishing the whole thing in about 2 hours. It's amazing. I can do it in 4 1/2, which is pretty good.

Awesome game.
Here we go - bout 1h30m of game time and BAM!

PoP:SoT 60% savegame!

download, unrar and place folder in:

E:\Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time\Profiles

Rename the folder if you want it to show your name instead of mine :)

Start the game and have fun! :D

Also thanks to Yewen for hosting :)
thansk very very much Psy!!top man!

I've not finished it yet no, I've just checked that the save works, I'm hopefully gonna be able to get a decent go at it at the weekend...

are u a massive fan of this game then!?
Slightly ;)

Love the combat, the story and the puzzles :)

One of my fave games I would have to say.

Most people hated the sequel (Warrior Within) but I adore that too - the extra fight moves make a huge difference.

Shame the 3rd game wasn't up to much :( (imo)
ihad to format and lost my save game :(, been playin throuigh it again but not had the time to finish it lately.

though i did buy my sis the warrior within and the two thrones for PS2 for her bday :) so ill be "borrowing" them sometime :)
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