Printing Photos

18 Nov 2003
Hi all,

Just wondering what program/method you would suggest for printing a group of photos.

Basically, i have about 40 photos which i need printing, UNCROPPED, and 2 per sheet of A4.

I have tried to use the XP Print wizard but only to find that it wants to crop all of the photos.

I have photoshop CS2 if thats any more use to you.

Hope someone can help. Cheers.
Personally I've given up printing photos at home, it's just too much hassle for the small number I do. Take a look at they'll be able to do what you want for a very reasonable sum.
I would use Photoshop.

Obviously you can't put a lanscape and portrait photo at A5 size on the same sheet of A4 paper? You didn't say if you intended to cut the A4 page in half afterwards?

Asuming you want two photos (portrait) on a piece of A4 paper, I would go to file, new, A4 Lanscape and set the ppi at say (300), create a guide at 50% vertical and save as my template.

(I've set up my own A4 size in PS because my two printers have different print sizes for A4. One of them has an unprintable area, top, left and right at .2cm and 1.4cm at the bottom. The other a .2cm area on all 4 sides, one of them the last will print to the edges but I haven't had much luck with it).

Open your first portrait photo, click on the layer and drag it to the left side of your template, and resize as necessary, then do the same with your 2nd one. You should now have two photos side by side on your A4 lanscape. File print preview, do the printer settings for your medium and off you go!

You could set up an action but that would be a bit beyond me.
Cheers, ideally this needs to be a quick job.

A batch method would be great. I have been looking at some programs available and most seem to compress the photos somewhat :(

Is there any way of turning off the auto cropping mode in the XP Print Wizard?

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