Private healthcare

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
Hi chaps

I’m lucky enough to get private healthcare with my work place.

Thou the cost of the private healthcare is free, in the terms that work pays for it. I have to pay the tax as it’s considered as a taxable benefit.

The cost of this has jumped from £57.50 to £73.50 (22%), therefore I'm no longer paying £11.50 per month but £14.70 per month, that's £176.40 per year
I'm thinking of opting out of the scheme as I don't use it so it's not much of a benefit.... but with the state of the NHS, it

I would take a look at the benefits provided and make the decision based on that. You say that you don't use it but that is always the hope with medical insurance! It is there for the time when you suddenly do need to use it. For a cost comparison, I pay over half your yearly cost on a monthly basis to cover me and my partner.
keep it - the one time you'll need an MRI or anything like that it'll cover years of payments. I needed one in the new year + a follow-up with a specialist which would have cost over a grand, plus waiting times make a huge difference. I was apologised to because I had to wait 10 days from initial contact to getting the scan done due to the Christmas period.

If you also have regular oral / ocular treatment most plans allow you to claim some / most of that back yearly (mine gives me 200 a year for my other halves contacts so it pays for itself).
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I wouldn't think twice about paying £176 to have private healthcare. Unfortunately I have a chronic health condition (that could have be cured if caught early but... yay NHS?), for that condition I still have to deal with the NHS because it's now a pre-existing condition but for any other health problems I have private health insurance and the difference is night and day in regards to the care you get. I pay private for my nephews too because I wouldn't want them to go through having to deal with the NHS either if they ever need something diagnosed.
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Hi chaps

I’m lucky enough to get private healthcare with my work place.

Thou the cost of the private healthcare is free, in the terms that work pays for it. I have to pay the tax as it’s considered as a taxable benefit.

The cost of this has jumped from £57.50 to £73.50 (22%), therefore I'm no longer paying £11.50 per month but £14.70 per month, that's £176.40 per year
I'm thinking of opting out of the scheme as I don't use it so it's not much of a benefit.... but with the state of the NHS, it


That's a good deal, but as you yourself pointed out it's not free, everything has a cost involved. You have to weigh up the pros and cons of your situation to see how comfortable you are with the cost to benefit.
Do not get rid of that unless you can find alternative cover elsewhere.

PMI is a waste of money, until you need it, then it's priceless.
Hi chaps

I’m lucky enough to get private healthcare with my work place.

Thou the cost of the private healthcare is free, in the terms that work pays for it. I have to pay the tax as it’s considered as a taxable benefit.

The cost of this has jumped from £57.50 to £73.50 (22%), therefore I'm no longer paying £11.50 per month but £14.70 per month, that's £176.40 per year
I'm thinking of opting out of the scheme as I don't use it so it's not much of a benefit.... but with the state of the NHS, it

Are you mental? That's still a bargain.

You don't use it now, but trust me, if you have to, you'll be thanking your lucky stars because the NHS is splitting at the seams.

I've used my private health care 3 times for acute cases that came unexpectedly and getting fixed in a matter of weeks rather than months or years is a god-send.

One case I had got fixed within a month (initial consult, biopsy, follow-up, surgery) whereas a friend of mine with the exact same issue had to wait 9 months or so on the NHS which could have caused him serious problems (luckily it didn't).

I pay private for my nephews too because I wouldn't want them to go through having to deal with the NHS either if they ever need something diagnosed.
I really wish I'd thought of that rather than giving them the odd present that doesn't really mean anything from time to time. Would have saved one of my nephews a lot of pain dealing with the NHS for diverticulitis.
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