Private number plate confusion

9 Sep 2009
In a small valley
Hi all,

I have bought a bike and it has a private number plate on it. It has just been said to me that the plate is still owned by the person who bought the private reg plate and that I do not have rights to ownership of the plate even though I now own the bike.

Can anyone explain all this to me as I am having trouble finding info online.

If the plate on the bike is the plate that is on the V5 (or whatever it's called now) and the transfer is done then the plate is yours.

The marque stays with the vehicle unless it's placed on retention.

I sold my Porsche with my wife's number plate on it. I did it for ease knowing that if the guy wanted to diddle me out of the number plate he could. So we agreed he'd give me an extra £500 as a deposit to ensure he'd follow through with his promise of transferring retention of the number back to me.
Ah thank you Ben!

The new keeper part of the V5 that I take upon purchase says the private plate on it so just have to wait for the full V5 to come through and it should stay the same.

Does this mean that I can sell the private plate on once the V5 comes through? (providing the V5 has the private plate on it still)

When I bought my VXTurbo it had "V90RAE" on it. Meant nothing to me.

Sold it for £200 on the auction site. After retention/transfer fee of £85 and ebay fees I didn't have much left but better than nothing I suppose.

Any more questions? Enjoying reminiscing about favourite past cars :)
Yep I have another question.

The original number plate, X771 etc, will i be able to go back to that? I am guessing that I have to pay the fees to go back to the old plate and fees to sell the private one?

When I sold my S4......only kidding.

When you take a cherished marque off a car the DVLA gives you a new reg number. Usually it is the old one but there is no promise or guarantee that it will be the same.

You pay one fee to move the cherished marque onto retention and you get given a new number as part of that transaction.

Do your research if you are going to sell the plate though because if you put it on retention with yourself as the "owner" (for want of a better word) then you'll need to go through more paperwork to get it onto retention in the name of the person that's going to use it.
Ben...(and your many cars :) )

Thanks for this info, even the DVLA website does not explain this! Soon as my V5 comes through with the private plate details I will be offering it up for sale, might just take the harder route and put it on retention so it can sit there or just sell it to one of these websites.

Thanks again Ben!
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