Private pensions.....what to look for?

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Hey guys, just wondering if there are any leading/stand out pension providers in the UK? I'm in a situation where I am going to be contracting for a while so will need to pay into my own pension.

Is there anything specifically that I need to look out for or be aware of? Any industry leaders?
I'd be tempted to just open up a SIPP with Vanguard and stick it into a few of their funds. Slightly lower fees than a lot of providers and gives you a decent choice of funds.
Martyn has called it. Vanguard tracker funds into a SIPP. I consolidated all my various company pensions into one two years ago and I've seen..... hold on, just looking it up now... 56% growth in my SIPP over the past two years.

Now obviously that growth is not normal in the long term and value can go down as well as up, but I took a strategy of dividing the capital up between three funds in amounts that reflect the percentage of weight each fund has in terms of representing the 'whole world' stock markets - and by doing it in the individual funds I've taken the route with the lowest fund costs to maximise my returns as I only have 18 years to go to retirement. At this rate I will retire comfortably.

I'm in Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index (29.56%), Vanguard FTSE Developed World ex-UK Equity Index (61.25%) and Vanguard FTSE UK All Share Index (26.12%). The numbers in brackets are the amounts each fund has grown since I bought.
I had been reading about SIPP's. Is there a platform that you would recommend for ease of management/ability to check performance etc etc?
I had been reading about SIPP's. Is there a platform that you would recommend for ease of management/ability to check performance etc etc?

Vanguard. It’s a little more limited on fund options but for something like a pension it’s the only place I’d look if you don’t investments elsewhere.

Mine is with Fidelity just as that’s where my ISA is and I’m lazy and like it in one place!
Vanguard, if you don't want to be too pro active with funds just open a sipp with them. They only have their own funds but there's nothing wrong with that.
Life Strategy or ftse global, they even have target retirement funds but not looked into those.
You can go elsewhere if you want more of a choice in funds (HL etc) but you pay for the privilege and over the long term costs add up.
Has anyone tried Wealthify or one of the bots for this purpose?

pretty expensive at 0.6% for "their" fee.

@R.O.S.S.I - It all depends - most providers/platforms are much of a muchness in costs these days.

Simple and straightforward - Like others have said - Vanguard is hard to beat - cheap, plenty of options for investment in their funds which have done well across the board to this point.

Buy/Selling a bit more - Consider AJ Bell - good app, loads of choice, low fees for buying/selling - decent (my ISA and SIPP are on their currently)

List is fairly long - But I've got clients on AJBell, Elevate, Standard Life, Royal London, True Potential.

Just depends what your investing, how much, how long for, other pension to transfer in?

Generally there isn't any "bad" ones out there these days.
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