Pro Evolution Soccer 5 - How to play.

6 Nov 2004
Hi, I've never played pes before until about two weeks ago, but I dont have a clue how to create chances, this game is soo complicating theres a million things you can do but how do you guys create chances?
Pass the ball around, draw players with quick on-twos, long balls over the top, use the radar to spot where the space is, and just keep the ball moving.
Fubar said:
Pass the ball around, draw players with quick on-twos, long balls over the top, use the radar to spot where the space is, and just keep the ball moving.

That's all you need to do.

Just get the ball to midfielders and use ground passes to pass around the defenders. Then maybe go on a little run to draw our the defenders and finally pass the ball into the space if you see one of your men running into the gap and hit shoot = frankie lamps :D

Also L1(change player button) + Through ball (triangle for ps2) from defenders often gets awesome cisse-esque goals(I remember one of his) where the ball drops over the CF's shoulder and hit shoot to volley it into the back of the net. :D
Not much help on single player I'm afrade but me and two friends have just compleated PES on 6 star (master league, cup and league to cup thingy) By far the goal we score the most requires a quick winger or two, run them down to inside the area but to one side of goal, draw the keeper out a bit and pass the ball across the box to another guy. We must score about 80% of our goals that way but in single player the computer never makes the runs to pass to.

To add another type of shot press and hold L1 and then normal shoot(square) to do a lob. Longer you hold shoot (square) the higher/further you'll kick it.
Dont sounds silly but compared to other football games, sprinting in PES is not the way to keep the ball.

Playing the game at a slower pace and passing around without sprinting will mean you keep control of the ball a lot more and can make more chances.
Instead of sprinting (using R1 on the PS2) use L1, it's faster than walking and you can do quick turns etc.

Also, hold square whilst trying to defend, it will attract players to the ball and you'll eventually either foul them or tackle the ball. X also does the same but is more physical.

Press square twice quickly for a lob.

Press square + X or circle + X quickly for a feint pass / shot. Normally sells defenders pretty well and you can sprint pass them.

The key is to be patient, it's more realistic than other games such as FIFA.
Lead_Head said:
Also, hold square whilst trying to defend, it will attract players to the ball and you'll eventually either foul them or tackle the ball. X also does the same but is more physical.

Holding square all the time is practically cheating. You will foul your opponent pretty much every time.
R2 is the most important button imo.

If you are running and then hold nothing but R2, you player will trap the ball and turn toface goal, use this to dummy players in making a tackle then change direction.

Master the through ball with Triangle and the Chipped Through ball with L1+Triangle.

there are so many other things you will pick up, just play lots

btw, holdding quare while defending actually just makes the nearest AI player of yours close the man down, which is VERY useful. You can then either have yourself and another AI character close the player with the ball down, making it harder for him,or use the AI character to close him down, and position the guy you are controlling further off the ball to possibly intercept a pass.
Does anyone else find it quite lame how on 3 stars the opposition can run faster than you? That's the only thing that bothers me about pro evo. It seems like a cheap way of improving AI.
sniffy said:
Does anyone else find it quite lame how on 3 stars the opposition can run faster than you? That's the only thing that bothers me about pro evo. It seems like a cheap way of improving AI.

never noticed that, you ever thought maybe that particular player is quicker?
lol yeah that's what I originally thought. I went onto a PES forum and this bloke tested it. He had the likes of Michael Owen who has excellent speed stats and bumped them up to the max. He still had people with relatively low speed stats catching up with him.
Ukadder said:
By far the goal we score the most requires a quick winger or two, run them down to inside the area but to one side of goal, draw the keeper out a bit and pass the ball across the box to another guy.

A.K.A the cheesegoal .. cant stand when people do that.. so cheap!

It's all about the hellruns and screamers.
use the radar to time thru balls, just as your player overlaps with the last defender, hit that thru ball... own all my housemates doing that.

shame that some of them seem to score from ungodly distances... :eek:
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