Pro Evolution Soccer 5 on Xbox 360 : Screen size problem

4 Nov 2003
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Hey guys,

Got Pro Evolution Soccer 5 for my Xbox 360 premium today and I am using the component lead to connect it to my TV. The problem is that I am viewing the screen in 4:3 and not 16:9 so it is only using a small portion of my screen. Am I right in saying that the only way to play this game in 16:9 is to use the SCART block? or is there another way around this problem? Halo 2 works in 16:9 fine so why can't pro evo 5?

Thanks guys.

PES has never had a widescreen mode, so unless you stretch it, there isn't any way to get it to fill the screen.
Had the problem with my VGA set up. Theres isn't much you really can do afaik :( I'm just holding for a new version on the 360.
Is this just an issue with 5? My PES4 is widescreen on my plasma and doesnt appear to be stretched? Thats through xbox1 and component
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