Probably a nooby HTMl/CSS question question, but still....

8 Oct 2005
Midlands, UK

i have noticed on a few sites that upon clicking a link some text is revealed below e.g. some detail about a link. I'm not sure how this is done tbh. Also is the method (whatever it may be) web standards complaint, as i would like to implement this on a site that must work/look the same in the major browsers.

Thanks for any info.
Augmented said:
If I'm thinking of the right thing, then it's usually done using javascript in some manner - an event handler is added to the bit you want 'clickable'. This in turn will toggle the display of the other element with the text in - either dynamically adding and removing it from the DOM, or toggling the CSS display/visibility property.

Yes, it is "web standards complaint".

Couple of examples (google something like "unobtrusive javascript expand collapse"):

excellent link, exactly what i had in mind! esreality gave me the idea. E.g. click the "quake 4 attendies" link from this article
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