Probably been asked before - Volt Modding

4 Sep 2005
Hey all

I've got my X800XT-PE Running with a Zalman VF900. Stock clocks are 520/560 and i'm running it at 560/580.

I've heard that these cards can be volt modded, and i've been interested for quite some time now.

I cant clock the card much further than that before i get artificats. Temps are fine, they never go above 50c load. I was mainly wondering what methods are there to volt mod? I know theres the pencil mod, but it seems inaccurate to me.. and i cant risk frying my card.

So are there any easy ways of volt modding, and will it allow me to clock my card further?

Thanks for any tips :)

p.s On ati tray tools, how many artifacts are acceptable? It says there are artifacts when i clock too high.. but i cant see them..
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