My Mate has a problem and cant get on his comp, heres his prob:
Hello, recently my computer died on me for some reason which is unknown.
I used a win98 rescue pack to restore it to win98 in a hope to use it to upgrade
to winXP / win2k. It failed. The process i went through to install both are as follows ;
Put Cd in;
Choose upgrade (recommended) option and enter serial, accept license etc;
then it started to copy install files;
after files were copied it gave me 15 seconds to restart, or do it manually;
it restarted and opened on the winXP (2000) install screen in a kinda dos mode like fashion;
i let it load all the files (kernal debug DLL was one of the many files it loaded);
then it stopped at "starting windows" or something liek that;
then windows setup (still in dos mode);
enter to install, f3 to quit etc;
hit enter;
"windows cannot find any hard disks installed on your system" and for win2k the evil blue screen error.
all cables/connection are properly installed in my case and before i formatted everything worked fine, i havent touched anything in my box.
system specs;
intel pen 4
ga-iexp rev1.2 motherboard
seagate 40 gb hd
nvidia geforce v4 mx440
at the moment i have win98 installed but internet (built-in adapter) doesn't work. My internet is all connected and on a router with 2 other computers (both their internet works fine)
any help is appreciated.