Problem installing 10.5 onto Mac Mini

25 Dec 2002
Ok, decided to do a fresh install of 10.5 onto my Mini, got my install disk (I purchased the family license so it's a copy onto a DVD-DL)

It boots off it, checks the disk, all is good. Then it tries to install, gets to "estimated time 1hour 6 minutes" and sits there for several hours doing nothing.

I've had a look at the logs and it copies a file onto the hard disk and tries to uncompress it and just sits there.

Any advice?

Update: I've just ran the Apple Hardware Test and it's come back with 4MEM/1/40000000 which as far as I can tell means some dodgy memory somewhere? Got two new sticks to test in it and see if that cures it.
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Check the machine is not overheating - I had that with my MBP when I'd get intermittent memory problems (6hour run no problem with the fans on).
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