Problem setting RAM timings..

20 Jun 2010
Hi, for xmas I bought Corsair XMS3 ram as part as my first pc build, but I am having problems setting the timings up...

Since then, I have been running at 1333 and when I set 1600 in the bios, Windows gives me a BSOD and I have to restart my pc.
When My pc comes back on I get a overclocking failure message from my bios

I then read the manual and decided to set the timings too.
I did this by setting the Ai tuner to manual and then setting them

After this it still doesnt work and I get the same problems.

My pc specs are below:

AMD 1055t processor
Crosshair iii motherboard
Corsair xms3 4gb ram (2x2gb)
6870 graphics

My friend got his ram sorted and he's running nearly the same specs as me
(nearly as he has a different CD drive, PSU, case and HDD)
He also has the ram in different slots than mine (I know it sounds strange, but could that be a factor?)
I had the same problem. Found that by setting 1333 (recommended to set to this) and overclocking the fsb they went all the way to 1599 @ 9-9-9-25. The ratings at 1600 are for intels I've found (is it called XMP?)


Before you ask, it's AMD speccing their IMCs at 1333, not just my opinion.
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Ok, so should I try setting the voltage as well?

I'm not sure about overclocking the fsb as i'm running on the stock cpu cooler and would it overclock my cpu?
1333 is good for now. It's AMD who don't reccomend running the IMCs at 1600. I fell into the same pit, struggled for days to even get the board to post at 1600. That was before I visited the official gigabyte forum and reading the first post in their AMD section.. I blew one of my IMCs trying too hard, now I can only run single channel which sucks, but dual channel I believe it'll be fast enough for you ;) Let the mobo decide the voltage. I my mobo manufacturer recommends the slots furthest from the CPU for higher speeds (?) but I don't know about your mobo. It maybe says in the manual?
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I thought it was just the 770 chipset motherboards that struggled with 1600mhz?

Didn't realise it was the cpu, what a waste of money the 1600 ram was :(
Manufacturers/suppliers quoting XMP timings without explaining that they are XMP do not help the situation. But then again, overclocking via the fsb can overcome all this.

The Phenom II only supports 1333MHz DDR3—at least, officially—with a single DIMM in each memory channel. With four DDR3 DIMMs, 1066MHz is the standard. Such limitations are nothing new, of course. Previous Phenoms have long supported 1066MHz DDR2 memory, but only with a single DIMM per channel.
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So, even if I do get it working at 1600, will there be much of a performance boost?
As I have no problems with it :)

And when I get round to buying a better cpu cooler, will this affect me trying to overclock?
There are the odd lucky cases where the RAM will run just fine at 1600, but like I said you'll be putting your Phenom under unnecessary stress. At 1333 you can run tighter timings. Not being able to do 1600 myself I have nothing to compare it with. I believe the popular belief used to be tighter timings is better than a faster clock. Anyone?
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