Problem since upgrading my HTPC

18 Oct 2002
Riteo chaps.

Gone from using a vga-vga connection out the back of my pc to the samsung 37" 720p LCD to a DVI-HDMI with the new pc.

Old GFX was an ATi x800, new one is a 2600 PRO HD HDMI.

Now, ive connected it all up, and in 1024x768 the image is perfect... However, any other resolution I use it just looks like someone has spread vaseline over the screen and the colours look aweful.... is this a limitation of HDMI or am I doing something horribly wrong.

Appreciate some help
1024*768 will probably be supported by the screen with no scaling, anything else may be scaled and so looks fuzzy.

Try setting it to 1360*768 (but may not be possible with ATI drivers).

Thanks for the reply,

Ive done that now and the visible display is much bigger and just as clear.

however, its not filing all of the screen... what do I need to do here?
Check in the samsung menus for a setting that says "size" - try setting it to "just scan"

might be set to something like 16-9. I had the same issue with my HTPC when I first setup on HDMI.

One problem I do have is that if I turn the TV off I don't get a picture from the PC without plugging and replugging the lead. If i leave the PC running that is.

Using a 3450 with a HDMI dongle connected to a 32" Samsung R87 LCD
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