Problem with 17-40mm f4, info about warranty needed!

26 Aug 2003
The North
I've got a 17-40 canon f4 lens that has recently developed a few faults. The manual focus option no longer works (it always attempts to focus itself), autofocus is now incorrect (always looks blurred) and the apature constantly reads 00 on the camera. The camera works fine with all my other lenses and i've checked the electrical contacts and they all seem clean.

I'm guessing since the lens outwardly looks in perfect condition i shouldnt have a problem sending it back to canon for repair (its about 4months old), the only problem is that I dont think i returnded that little warranty card they give you in the lens box. Should i try and source another one and send it in before informing canon of my problem, just incase they say the warranty in only valid if the card was returned. Or will I be fine to give em a ring anyway and sort out the repair tomorrow????

Cheers for any help!!!
You don't even need to pay the postage to send it to Canon yourself.

Your contract of ownership is between you and the shop you bought it from, not Canon directly.

As it is still within it's warranty period just return it to the shop with the receipt.

Don't worry about the warranty card, it's not needed - the only thing you need is your receipt to prove you bought it from the place you got it from and that it's still in warranty.
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