Problem with car

24 Jul 2003
Right, when the engine is off everything is fine. But when the engine in on, the clutch pedal feels like its grinding when pressed, and when the gears are changed, a whiney sound is made, and the car generally sounds weird. But the clutch isnt slipping, as I can accelerate in all gears, and also did the handbrake test.

And also, when doing 3 point turns, or turning sharply from standstill, the car emmits a loud knock from the front, when turning.

Finally, when accelrating of the line, and the fronts lose traction, the car seems to want to change direction (not the road or tyres).

Can someone give me an idea of the problems??

The first im thinking the clutch, and the second, maybe the shocks??

Pls help!!
50/50 said:
which problem would this relate to?? (sorry i know nothing about cars)
and how much would this cost to repair, its a saxo vtr

The car wanting to pull to one side whilst accelerating.

The clunking noise.

And the other problem sounds like a knackered gearbox or clutch.
First one possibly a thrust (clutch release) bearing on its way out, most people change the clutch when replacing the bearing as its pointless doing the bearing alone.
1) Clutch Release Bearing

2) Driveshaft

3) Driveshaft, Suspension (possibly balljoint or wishbone bushes)

That's my guess.
AmDaMan said:
1) Clutch Release Bearing

2) Driveshaft

3) Driveshaft, Suspension (possibly balljoint or wishbone bushes)

That's my guess.

The above looks pretty spot on from my little knowledge. Just having a clutch and gearbox change on my car now.

As for point three - I had one wishbone etc changed on the LHS, the time has come for the right side too I think :(
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