Problem with Gfx or Mobo?

8 Jan 2005
Bideford/swansea uni

To begin with it takes about 3 or 4 boots before i can get my monitor to come on and then....

When booting up my PC the "Graphics card screen" is all blurry and colorful, then the packard bell (sux) part of the boot is all blury etc then when windows begins to load its perfectly normal and i am able to logon without any more "Rainbow colors" - However now and again my monitor just switches off and says something about "VGA Not detected/supported" or something.

Im not sure if theres a problem with my motherboard or graphics card. Im not very smart at PC's so forgive my slang wording of the problem.
Sounds like a problem with the graphics card, those "colours" are usually something to do with bad memory on the card.

Are they like pinkish vertical lines or boxes?
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