Problem with Macbook Superdrive

30 Jan 2006
Hey there, i have one of the old (10 months) Core 2 Duo Macbooks, and have noticed that when i put a cd in the superdrive it makes a horrible grinding, mechanical noise- which sometimes results in the disk not being read.

I bought this laptop in the USA while i was there, but will it still be covered on the warranty now ? If so would it be likely that they would repair my laptop or replace it?
The warranty is worldwide. Sounds like any damage is limited to the drive, so it would probably be replaced and you get the same machine back from Apple. No real need to replace the whole system!
Mine makes a racket when it's taking the disc in, including a clunk at one point. Don't want to have to complain about it, they might take it away from me for a while :( How long do repairs take?
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