Problem with my D70 :(

26 Nov 2003
East Sussex
So I decided to try some long exposures of the night sky, and was very dismayed to find the following in the top left corner of every shot I took, on several lenses :(

Anyone know whats going on? :(
The effect worsens the longer the exposure, this was ~15mins.


This was much less, but the effect is still apparent:

I first thought that also, but it happens at any angle, on any subject, any time, any place. The first was in my garden, the second was a campsite in devon with a hood and the eyepiece covered. Ive tried with other lenses and still no joy :(

Ive changed all the variables, the problem persists :(
Already tried that SDK, but ta :)

Wel Nikon told me to send it back to them, will check if its still warranteed when I get in, should be though, I dont think ive even had it a year!

...Divine, you seriously had the same problem?! :eek:
Nikon > Canon.... let it be war upon you all then! :p

Hoodmeister, that noise reduction option sorted it perfectly! Although waiting an extra 15minutes is a little irritating ;) I'm relieved that its fixed, as up til now I thought I had broken the camera somehow! :eek:

Many thanks! :)
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