I've bought a Philips 26PF4310 nearly 3 weeks ago.
But i've noticed since i've been using it that the picture isn't as good as i thought it would be.
It seems very pixelated and seems to be out of focus. The football isn't good at all on it.
I've ran a direct feed from my skybox in another room directly to the arieal socket in the Philips 26PF4310.
I don't know what else to do? Is it a faulty set or is it just how all lcd's are?
We're sitting about 6 foot away from it at one point and about 12 foot away on another sofa and it still doesn't look that good at all.
Any ideas please?
But i've noticed since i've been using it that the picture isn't as good as i thought it would be.
It seems very pixelated and seems to be out of focus. The football isn't good at all on it.
I've ran a direct feed from my skybox in another room directly to the arieal socket in the Philips 26PF4310.
I don't know what else to do? Is it a faulty set or is it just how all lcd's are?
We're sitting about 6 foot away from it at one point and about 12 foot away on another sofa and it still doesn't look that good at all.
Any ideas please?