Problem with Ram I think?

29 Oct 2002
I have the DFI lanparty UT NF4 SLI-D and I use the Hibernate facility to close down the computer. I stated with 2 512mb sticks of Geil pc4000 cas 2.5 and have since added another 2 sticks using all the ram sockets on the motherboard. However, since doing this I have been having problems closing the computer down using Hibinate, the system says "no system resources unable to complete"?

Any ideas anyone.
Hmmm have you tried posting and searching over on the DFI forums? Only thing I could suggest would be to update the BIOS. They've released a new version which I flashed to last week, its help solve a problem I had where from a cold boot it sometimes wouldn't POST and I have to hit reset a few times. Now it boots first time, everytime, so it may have fixes for you. :)
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