problems connecting my macbook to my router.

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
Do macbooks have issues connecting wirelessly using wep encryption ?, I've got 2 routers now and I still can't connect my macbook to either of them using wep, if I use no encryption at all then my book connects fine, as soon as I enable wep it won't connect, my other pc laptop connects fine via wep, the router I'm curruntly using is this one (Netgear DG834G v3).
Do macbooks have issues connecting wirelessly using wep encryption ?, I've got 2 routers now and I still can't connect my macbook to either of them using wep, if I use no encryption at all then my book connects fine, as soon as I enable wep it won't connect, my other pc laptop connects fine via wep, the router I'm curruntly using is this one (netgear dg834g v3).

to connect mac os x to a third-party wireless access point that is configured to use wep, format your password one of these two ways:

1. hexadecimal - precede the string with a dollar sign ($). for example: $123456789a
2. ascii - enclose the characters in double quotes ("). for example: "magic"
To connect Mac OS X to a third-party wireless access point that is configured to use WEP, format your password one of these two ways:

1. Hexadecimal - precede the string with a dollar sign ($). For example: $123456789a
2. ASCII - enclose the characters in double quotes ("). For example: "magic"
Might add this to the sticky, gets asked a lot :)
Right, I've got in from work and gave this a bash, I was certain it was going to work but it's still a no go :(, connects fine without wep but as soon as it is enabled it does'nt work, as above you say try doing the following,

1. Hexadecimal - precede the string with a dollar sign ($). For example: $123456789a
2. ASCII - enclose the characters in double quotes ("). For example: "magic"

This is what I do, I go into my router, I select wireless setup, select wep, type in $123456789a and I get the following error

I get the same error if I try using "magic", what am I doing wrong ?

please note my other pc laptop works fine with wep.
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The quotes or the $ go in the mac wireless thing.

The router is left as normal.

i.e. if you put sausage in the router it is "sausage" in the WEP key of the mac.

Please do not utilise real sausage at any point.
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