Problems getting ITV1 with MSI USB Freeview

26 Jul 2005
Hi there,

I recently bought an MSI Freeview DVB-T USB Digital TV Stick from OCUK. Installed it and as expected the portable aerial is useless but using the roof aerial I can get about 50 channels or so.

The problem is I can't seem to get ITV1 (or ITV Scottish in my case). What's odd tho', is that I am getting ITV2, ITV3, ITV4, CITV fine and with good quality.

Is there anything I can do about this? My postcode is EH11 and the freeview website says it should be fine.

It's a bit annoying because I bought the stick to watch the Champions League Final and then the world cup!
Freeview channels are transmitted in groups. ITV1 is in the same multiplex as ITV2/3/4 etc. If you can receive the latter channels you should have no problem receiving ITV1

Here is a list of the multiplex groups.

A lot of guys at work have the Freeview DVB-T USB stick and using an aerial booster are able to pick up every channel using the supplied portable aerial. Without the signal booster they aren't able to pick up a single mux in the office. A signal booster can make a lot of difference. If you don't have one on your indoor aerial it might be worth buying/trying one.

But if you can pick up the other ITV channels the I can't see why you can't see ITV1 as they are all on the same mux.
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