Problems! NEC DVD-RW 4750A

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5 Feb 2006
I posted this in the optical drive forum but recieved no response so moved it here.

I've recently built a new computer last week and not been able to get my new NEC DVD-RW 4750A drive to work.

When i put a disk in the drive it will try to read the disc (little cd icon comes up next to the cursor) but nothing will happen??

I have checked the basics... that the cables are secure and that the jumper settings are correct ( DVDRW set as master and my old CDRW as slave) and that the bios settings are also the same.

I've also tried disconnecting and uninstalling the drivers but with no hope.

Maybe its a driver problem but i cant seem to find an updated driver anywhere.
Hi, maybe try the NEC and your existing CD-RW on seperate IDE channels (this is usually recommended for situations where you will be copying on-the-fly, anyway), or disconnect your CD-RW. Ideally you want to test the NEC as a solitary Master drive on the Seconary IDE channel.

Try a different brand of disk, there's always a chance that your NEC may be incompatible with the ones you are using. Search the NEC website for any firmware upgrades that might improve performance or brand compatibility.

And then, there's always the not inconceivable possibility that your drive is faulty!

Hope this helps.
Still no luck?

I've tried the dvd-rw alone in the system in aternate cable positions and also my old cdrw/dvd alone in these positions just to eliminate cable faults.

still the dvd trys searching the disc but nothing will appear.

I cannot find any drivers/firmware for this drive on the NEC UK site and the drive is not listed on any of NEC's other sites.

Any ideas why the drive is listed as a 'DVD-RAM' drive in 'My Computer'?

could this be a problem with Windows 64Bit?
Don't cross post please. If everyone just posted where they wanted, there'd be no point in the subforums.
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