Problems with boot ups?

7 Mar 2005
Eating PI
Wondering if anyone knows what's causing this. I'm not far from an upgrade but my current PC is annoying. It takes 3 attempts to boot each time before it actually starts.

Thing is that once it's started it's extremely stable, never even had a BSOD. Current spec:

2500+ Barton @ 2.2ghz
Asus A7N8X-E
Crucial PC3200
HIS 9800Pro @ 425/790
Antec 430w

Can play, FEAR, COD2, HL2, B&W2 without crashing....

Any ideas?
If your system is overclocked please advise what stability tests you ran? and for how long?

When you say it takes 3 attempts to boot, is there any error messages?
I had a similar issue which I swapped the psu out thinking it was psu related. Turned out to be my motherboard.
You tried stripping out all cards etc and running with just graphics card and 1 stick of memory to see if theres a dodgy card or stick of ram in there? Also, try another psu first
Tried all of the above, ran memtest. No errors for 15hours.

No error messages appear and like I said no BSOD's. Just gets to the welcome screen twice & restarts. Then enters Windows with no problems.

My cpu is from 1.8 ~ 2.2ghz but still only hits a max of 28deg under load and idles around 19deg
I had a lanparty mobo that hated 2x1Gb sticks for some reason. It would take me maybe three or more attemps to boot into windows but when I got into windows everything run fine.

When I put my old samsung DDR 2700 back in it booted 1st time. Do you have some other memory you can try to see if that fixes anything.
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