Problems with Creative X_Fi Extreme Music

30 Mar 2008
I have over the weekend changed my system from an AGP set-up to PCI-e. I am running Vista SP1 but am having problems with 6 games all using the Unreal 3 Engine (Gears of War, Medal of Honour Airborne,Stranglehold,Turning Point, Unreal Tournament 3 and Frontlines). When I come to use the games the speakers lets out nothing but screams and scratches. My other games work brilliantly with the set-up and with no problems just those 6 based on the Unreal Engine 3. I have updated the bios, used all the creative drivers on the net even used the onboard sound for a little while. I have disconected on-board from the bios. My motherboard is MSI K9VGM-V, CPU AMD Socket Am2 5000 (2.6 mhz) and Sapphire graphic card 3870 (The graphic's are outstanding). Is there anything else I could try or maybe just purchase a new motherboard. Creative are useless in trying to help. When the system was running AGP (Vista as well) I had no problems with the Creative card at all. Many thanks for your help
Hello Hen_Dawg thanks for making me welcome. I have had this card since it was released and no problems in XP even when I was running Vista I had tiny problems. I only recently changed from AGP to PCI-e over the weekend (Was also running Vista with the agp socket). The problem is when I try and run the 6 games built on the Unreal 3 engine the speakers scream and screech. I have about thirty other games on my hard drive and they run no problem (plenty of time to play games as I am retired). I will try your suggestions and once again many thanks.
Hello again, I've been touch with Creative but the usual answer do this and do that which I've already done, tried changing the PCI Latency clock but no change. My motherboard is a cheap micro atx (VIA chipset) from MSI so I have today ordered a full size atx from Gigabyte (Nvidia chipset) I am led to believe that the Via chipsets have very bad conflicts with souncards hence the change, hopefully I can get back to real life now. Many thanks for your help
Will do. New board should be delivered tommorrow with luck and in the safe hands of City Link (not) will be in touch. Thanks
Hello again, have just re-installed my old AGP system with Vista and am having no problems with Vista nor the Creative Extreme Music Card. I still have my PCI-e motherboard and graphics card so may in the future return to PCI-e socket but for the moment will remain with the AGP system.
Good Morn,

Just an update on my X-Fi problem, I have now installed a new motherboard with Nvidea drivers, the six games which gave me huge problems before are running excellantly with the soundcard andthe PCI-E system is now up and running. I think that the problem on the old motherboard lies between the Creative Souncard drivers and the VIA Chipset. So happy that all is well and many thanks all.
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