Problems with Flash Videos

10 Apr 2006
North West
I've googled for this and I came across a thread on the Apple forums but it got no real answer!

Flash videos, like youtube/vimeo, played perfectly fine on my macbook pro then one day they decided to start stuttering. It's like the video is buffering for a split second but the audio continues whilst the video stutters. I tried it on all different browsers and uninstalling flash etc But nothing solved it.
Then I got my mac pro and its done exactly the same thing from day 1. I uninstalled flash and updated it, videos worked fine for a few days at the most I think. But now its gone back to stuttering!

Anyone have any ieas as its really really annoying me as I can't watch any flash videos online without getting annoyed.

I'll try and record my screen and hopefully that will capture it so I can show people exactly what I mean.

Thanks for any help as I've tried everything I can think of!
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