Problems with GRAW

26 Dec 2005
Firstly my system spec: Athlon AMD 64 3000+ processor, 149gb hard disk, Nvidia agp 6600gt, 1gb ram (soon to be 2gb ram), motherboard is a MSI MS-6702.

I am encountering delays and slow framerates with Ghost Recon. This is more noticeable during a firefight and suffice to say been killed a few times :( .

I have tried the different video options (tried it on low and medium settings) but still no joy.

Is it time for an upgrade do you think. I am about to upgrade the ram will this help:

Thanks in advance.
I have to admit I am thinking of buying an Xbox 360 when funds become available, at least that way I won't have to keep upgrading my PC or even buy a new PC when I want to play a game.
I have just fully patched the game and added another 1gb ram. It has improved the game a bit but still a bit slow.. :(
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