Problems with my fps in HL2: Counter Strike : Source

15 May 2006
Since having come back from holiday, 2 weeks, I've noticed a considerable fps drop. i.e from 100-200, to 40-60, either steam have down a screwed up update, or something is wrong.

My Spec (which shouldn't struggle at all)

AM2 3800+ single core, overclocked to 2.7 ghz from 2.4ghz.
2gb pc -6400 DDR2 Ram
ICEQ Silent HIS cooling X1900XT
250gb Western Digital 7200 rpm HD
Windows XP home
580W tagan power supply
ASUS SLI Deluxe mobo.

I've tried all the usual things, playing with settings ( no effect), deleting my config.cfg (no effect), virus scan, new drivers, vsync is off, fps_max 300. Temps all look fine.
The only thing I found had any effect, was mat_dxlevel 70, which gave me around 80 fps. As I was experiencing 100-200 with maxed settings before, I can't see any reason, as I'm taking this pc to i28 reasonably soon, I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
gfx drivers and game updates are to blame in my experience,

I had one set of gfx drivers at a time where a steam update didnt kill everything, and was getting around 170fps avg, full settings, and 90-140 on militia/nuke. (7800gt and a 3000venice at 2.7) Now i get 30-50 in dust (and i cant even play that at 1600x1200 anymore as it goes haywire and crashes to desktop!), if i'm lucky, and about 70 avg on other maps.

'tis quite annoying, as time goes on, it gets worse...
in the console type fps_max 300, or max_fps 300, one or the other

edit: nvm just scanned the op :(
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Psypher5 said:
'tis quite annoying, as time goes on, it gets worse...
When I first boot up source the same thing happens, I get nearer 100, but within minutes it slowly goes down to 40-60
valve have just messed with CSS so much lately its beyond a joke. When i first got the game my 6800NU would happily play it at 12x10 high & 4xaa 8xaf. now im down to 1280x1024 low, no AA no AF its the best balance for fps & looks i can get :(

im running 2gb of ram and a 3700+. i have a funny feeling it is something to do with newer graphics drivers drivers
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