Problems with the Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic

20 May 2007
Bath, Somerset
I bought one last week from the popular auction site, and it arrived today, but had problems with it. I feel like I might be being a bit of a tit, but I've been trying to get it to work at all.
I've installed the drivers, and my pc recognises it in the device manager as working fine. Yet trying to get it to play any audio or even get any of the creative alchemy programs to detect it is useless.
Fresh install of vista 64 for it also
Bit odd, plugged in my old Augidy 2 in and now both are detected, yet no audio from the x-fi... all others disabled
Now it has got to the stage where it thinks its playing sound through the cable, but nothing is coming into my headphones :(
If its one of the OEM HP X-Fi from a popular auction site, chances are its one of the naff cards (i have one). Only the latest drivers from creative work properly with it although you do have to go into AudioConsole and dissable autodetect headphones and mute speakers.

The card seems to think there are external connectors in use and dissables the connectors on rear of card by default. and to this day ive not had its flexijack work. Card got put in an older rig thats not used much ;)

It probably is, got it much much cheaper than retail expected, and no serial numbers etc on the card itself all stickers removed. Contacted the seller gonna have to see how it goes
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