
28 Mar 2006
City 17
xfire and MSN so far are quiting themselfs within 8 secs of being on the just close and cant be started up again tell system restart ?

Any1 had the same prob or no y ? :confused:
Internet's been broken for a while now, something to do with the network providers that link the major ISP's going nutty. Try repairing your connecton/restarting router etc.
Is the application actually terminating?

If so, is the exe still running?

EG: Msn Messenger shows as msnmgr.exe in the process view of task manager

Also, if it is terminating look in event viewer under the Application log to see why this could be happening
ahhhhh its p****** me off now it starts up terminates completely after like 8 secs wnt restart until a system restart and i have tried reinstalling

HELP :confused: :confused:
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