Problum with Windows Media Player 10

12 Dec 2005
Basicly what is wrong is when ever i load wmp up it hogs all the processing power (80%) which i doubt it needs all that much, is there something wrong with it? I dont have an clue what could be wrong here.

My specs are:
3800x2 ar 2.7Ghz
DFI Lan Party Sli-D
2GB Blastixs

Any help would be great, Thanks!
Is it doing this all the time or only when loading?
(I'm thinking along the lines of loading the library?)

When i tried processor usage went up to 60-80% while the library was loading, as Leezer suggested. If it only does it when loading up for a few seconds, that's "normal" i suppose. If it's doing it all the time it's not.

And of course, most people here would suggest using Winamp or Foobar instead of WMP.
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