Processing of Milky Way using DSS (Help please!)

23 May 2011

I took some shots of the Milky Way to stack using Deep Sky Stacker and was fully expecting to see a bit of detail there but am not having much luck at all. Was hoping someone could take a look at the images and see what their thoughts were, maybe where I could be going wrong or if I'm just expecting to much.

First picture is an example of a single frame that is being used in the stacking process. There are 44 all together, 9 of them dark frames.

IMG_2734 by MrPeriPeri, on Flickr

Second picture is of a stacked result from DSS and have played a little in Photoshop with Curves:

Stacked by MrPeriPeri, on Flickr

Third photo is a single frame that I have played with in Photoshop as a comparison to the stacked image:

Single Shot Result by MrPeriPeri, on Flickr

I think there is a lot of data there and it could be a good image but I think my processing is screwing it up to be honest. I have tried following tutorials but not having any luck. If anyone has any advice or wants to have a play with the images and see what detail you can draw out please feel free.

Below is a separate image I took of the Milky Way and was expecting something was like this, but have not been able to produce anything close.

Sky 2 by MrPeriPeri, on Flickr

Any help will be very much appreciated!

Not entirely sure, but i don't think you're pointing the camera towards the galactic centre? Just going by the fact that you can see Orion in the lower right on your shots and not in the one of the Milky Way. It's my understanding that it's basically perpendicular to Scorpius? But please bear in mind that i'm not really sure.

Of course, light pollution doesn't help at all.
I tried to get as far away from the light pollution as I could (living near London doesn't help :().

Hopefully I got the Milky Way in that shot! Will feel a bit stupid if not lol I thought it basically spread across the sky from horizon to horizon. I had checked on Stellarium before going out so I knew where to shoot but as I am pretty new to this there is a good chance I may have got it wrong
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