Product photography : Food & Drink

17 Jun 2007
Hiya guys

I recently bought 2 restaurants and we have been busy designing the new menu, and the websites are getting there.

Its time I took some product shots of our dishes and some cocktails.


So i seem to have most of the gear and no idea.

I've a D810 with the holy trinity and a nifty 50 1.8 I also have a 105 2.8 macro. I've bought a light cube from Lencarta which is quite big and has LED lights. I've also an sb900 and some cheap flash heads.

I'm into Landscape photography so this is really out of my comfort zone.

Any hints and tips

These were done on the bar and the Pass with my phone which is NOT what I'm after



And with a change in white balance POP
@StoutMeister not facetious at all mate and that would be the plan.

Edit: Looked into a local product photographer and to be honest the prices dont seem too bad

£50 per hour shoot £15 per hour Post

Anyone know how many products they may be able to get done per hour. (back of a fag package calculation)

I suppose even 1 per hour would make the shot £65 each which isn't too bad at all.
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Once they're set up Mattie, they'll go through them faster than you can produce them. :)

Make sure to check examples of their work beforehand (esp in your case - food photography,) if that's their specialisation all the better.

Are you in Glasgow perchance?

I'm only a road away from Glasgow.....But that road is the M6

I wont add a link but Pack-Photo is local to me
There are 2 aspects of it you need to pay attention to.

1 - the lighting, you want to be able to control it so you will need off camera flash and a soft box. You can do it next to a big window but the light will change and you need to adjust to suit.

2 - surrounding and background

You can go a few directions, you can go high key with a white background or you can go lifestyle with a set table or you can go a bit in between like a lot of cookbooks with a simple wood top table.

You basically set up the space, whichever way you go and then that space is controlled and then put each dish on it for the shot. Ideally you would want to keep the size and angle the same for all so don’t put down a plate and then go for a cocktail next and then back down to a plate. That’s very annoying to shoot and you will need to move the camera and won’t be the exact same angle as before.

White balance is also important, restaurant lights are almost always very high K and that looks bad for colours, which means turning on the light in the space might be counter productive and fighting with the flash’s white balance. Think about turning off all the light near the table and light it by just natural or flash.

Cheers Raymond

I Think I'll try at home with some Coffee and beans on toast first.

I dont mind paying Its just after sinking the best part of 100k into this. and using our contingency its getting a bit tight.

Stupid £8k Espresso machine.............
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