Product photography on a budget

7 Jun 2005
North East
Work have tasked me with taking some product photography which will mostly be a one off activity for several hundred shots then only occasional after that. Ive already purchased a 600mm cubed lightbox and tripod.

I planned on using my iphone 12 pro but thinking of have them spend some money on a camera too.

I used to be in to my photography and owned various low-mid level DSLRs, not touched the hobby for years though.

Doesn't need to be a DLSR and likely best avoided - just looking for suggestions on a low budget camera with decent resolution, white balance and macro. Always had a softspot for Canon and Fuji.

Budget - £100-200?

Thanks in advance.
I'll be ready to be hated on but with that kind of budget I'd try it with the iPhone and see where you get to, these days mobile cameras are very good and likely to be better than what camera and lens you'll get for that sort of cash. It'll come down to lighting and a steady hand which you seem to have covered...

Thats reassuring thanks as pretty confident with what I can achieve with the setup. Just not ideal losing my phone to a tripod during a working day - plus I can give the donkey work to a junior without leaving my phone with them once the workflow is set up.
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