Production varation

31 May 2006
West London
Anyone else having a bit of a production mixed bag? (might be due to the weekly dump of my home rig, but one machine of 20 shouldn't make that much difference)

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I think it's more to do with how long WU's take. I dont have as many PC's as you so when my g/f's dual core drops 2 600 pointers at the same time then obviously thats going to push my graph through the roof.

I think that it's just when several WU's end on the same day pure coincidence :)

I mean think about the fact that if you started 20 fairly identcal rigs at the same time and they all downloaded 600 pointers then thats going to be one almighty dump in say 3 days time. Then some of them will get wu's that only last 1 and a half days. :)
My output is blinking awful at the moment. :(

Nothing but 44 pointers...........

At this rate I'll be back in cell 10 before I know it. :eek:
Steevo38 said:
My output is blinking awful at the moment. :(
Same mate, 512 and 396 pointers scoring 150 and 108 ppd each. Poor indeed. Wonder if they'll mess with the point system like Concorde suggested, would make sense.
I doubt they will change the points formula tbh mate.

Might try taking a few clients off of -advmethods and see what I get now that the 364 pointers have virtually dried up. :(
I'm still getting a few 364s (got 4 at the moment and a 600) but mostly 44s and 149s.

Stan :)
Hi Stan,

Still getting the odd one here and there too but not many. Only run 6 clients here and getting solid 600 pointers on my P4 but the Opty and C2D have been useless for the last 3 days or so with 44's and 149's yuk.................

Any idea whats being dished out on non -advmethods at the moment?



sorry to hijack thread shadowscotland...
Steevo38 said:
Any idea whats being dished out on non -advmethods at the moment?


Not much tbh Steevo - I can't remember which of my rigs are running -advmethods and which aren't. I tried looking in the config files but it doesn't tell you in there and with the 5.04 client, you set it up in the config stage so it isn't added onto the image path for the service.
If anyone can tell me how to find out without running -configonly (too lazy :o ), I'll have a look and see which ones are getting which WUs.

As for points spikes, I've had a few over my time. They can be caused by a few things such as a day or two with high output WUs (If I were to get 364 pointers one after the other on my C2D rig and the XPS, those two machines alone would yield me nearly 4000 points for the day). They can also be caused, to a lesser extent, by one high value WU being dumped early and another decent one later to give an unnaturally high output for one day (these spikes tend to be preceeded and/or followed by a particularly poor day - I had one last month where I had over 4000 for one day and about 800 the following day).

Another cause can be if one of the servers has been playing up and Wus cannot be uploaded when finished but WUs can still be downloaded causing a backing up of completed work which all dumps when the server stops playing silly buggers. Similar to this is the Berserker syndrome, where WUs are stashed for several days and dumped in one go for dramatic effect :p (in fairness people who run deadlineless WUs on machines not connected to the network for long periods have to do this - I've done it myself when I've been on oil rigs with no net access - download 10 deadlineless Tinkers and crunch them whilst away and dump them all in one go when I get back. This can be quite amusing when someone thinks they are about to stomp you and you suddenly dump a fortnights work in one day :D ).

Stan :)
Shame there are no deadlineless WUs left :p

The actual output lines gives a day by day result of your output, but for general output figures you should be looking at the trend line.

You can check advmethods by looking at the client.cfg file in wordpad.


0 means standard wus, 3 means advmethods, I forget the other two.

This link seems to suggest that 1 is normal, 2 is deadline-less and 3 is advmethods.
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Thanks Joey :)

It would appear that all the rigs I'm getting the 364s on, all have -advmethods ON, I would therefore recommend that you do not switch off -advmethods - it would appear to be the luck of the draw. I probably get them through sheer weight of numbers (having said that, they seem to have dried up again - I only have 2 atm :rolleyes: ).

AFAIK, switching over during WUs will not affect the current WU but I would always advise against tampering with the config until the WU is finished.

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
Thanks Joey :)

It would appear that all the rigs I'm getting the 364s on, all have -advmethods ON, I would therefore recommend that you do not switch off -advmethods - it would appear to be the luck of the draw. I probably get them through sheer weight of numbers (having said that, they seem to have dried up again - I only have 2 atm :rolleyes: ).

AFAIK, switching over during WUs will not affect the current WU but I would always advise against tampering with the config until the WU is finished.

Stan :)

@ Stan - the spikes are mass dumps (as per post) it's my home rig droping its 7or8 Wu's for the week.

What I was on about was surly the more rigs the smoother the graph? But that theory is high and dry atm :confused:
Guess its due to getting mass instances of one or two WU types. Most of the office rigs are on WU that take 3-6 days :( only a month ago I was dumping 20 WU a day now lucky to hit double figuares. Still it's PPD that counts, well that and stomping slackers :D

@Steevo38 & joeyjojo - no problem, appoligy accepted ;)
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