Products made to break easy.

9 Jan 2005
A while a go I broke my PSP I dropped it and it fell only about two feet on to a step that leads to my beadroom then fell off there on to a teddy. I thought Oh **** but then it only fell a very short distance so it'll be fine. Well I turned it on and it came on but with a shattered LCD screen. I was shocked on how fragile it was and thought OMG is it worth getting fixed if thats how easy they break I thought. I was gutted.

I've also herd that Ipods are just as fragile. Surely its obvious things that are in peoples hands so often their's a good chance they'll be dropped once or twice. So why are they made so fragile? I think it's a way of getting you to spend extra money with companys like Sony and Apple. I think it's disgrace. I bet you could throw the old GameBoy across the room or out of a window and it'll still work. All comapanys should be as good as Nintendo.
I belive the PSP was simply made to break easy to make more money. I bet there's many ways it could have be made to take the odd fall. Instead of PSP they should have put one of them post office lables on it that reads handle with care.

It feels extremly fragile while you hold it. How is the DS in the sense can you drop that on a teddy with out it breaking? :)
All hail Nintendo. I saw some guy on a vid thow a GameCube out of a car :eek: then drag it a few miles. When they got the GameCube back home it was well battered but to my surprise the thing still worked. :cool:
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