Profile Issue...

2 Dec 2009
We run a small local network which works seemlessly apart from one issue...

Based on the huge datasets that we deal with on a daily basis, our profiles can easily ramp up from 700MB to 400GB in the space of a day. This isn't normally a problem unless the profile is saved back to the SAN Profile directory - once this happens, even when the user clears their profile of the massive data, upon logging off, the deleted data is returned to their profile next time they log on.

What setting needs tweaking to allow file deletions to be removed from their profile and the changes actioned on the server's stored profile?
With the GPO exclusion, will it affect retrospectively - as in all accounts currently maintained in the profiles folder? Or will it retain them, and purge upon next profile logon?
Your profile should never be more than a few mb if you are using roaming profiles. Sounds like yours are in need of some optimisation.

Where abouts in the profile is this data being stored, and can that be changed if necessary?

I'd be looking at setting folder redirection up, and ensuring that any mass of data that is created is stored on a redirected folder. That will stop it syncing backwards and forwards every time a user logs on and off.
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