Program for "mosaic poster" printing?

16 May 2006
Hi there, I'm new to this and wondering if there's any form of program out there that can allow me to print an image into say 6x2 A4 papers to create a mosaic poster?

I have Photoshop CS, imageready CS and Paintshop 10 - if they can do it, how?

Thanks in advance.
Dr Jones said:
Do you guys laminate each sheet or just stick it up as normal papers?

Also, Blue-tac or something else?
Laminating would just make it difficult to see when light shines on it. You could print it on thin card if you want extra rigidity, but ordinary paper works fine. Bare in mind the print-out will include margins around the outside which you will have to trim. Personally I trim the left hand side, then leave the right hand side on and just stick the sheets together (a good old pritt stick works nicely) by overlapping them. Obviously special arrangements are made for those sheets on the outside.

Blu-tack has worked fine for me :)
Dr Jones said:
Do you guys laminate each sheet or just stick it up as normal papers?

Also, Blue-tac or something else?
I make sectors, usually 3 x 2 sheets and tape those together on the back using clear packing tape. Then I take all the sectors and tape them together in sequence to make the final assembly. Then I take the finished poster and thumbtack it to the wall. Working in small sectors in the beginning allows you to make the gap alignment extremely precise, e.g. about .030" on the purple and blue one I demonstrated in the thread I linked above.
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