Program to build Avatars, Items, Trophies etc

16 Jul 2008

I am currently building a system(PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS) where you are rewarded gold and gems for wins and activity. There is a shop where you can buy various items, clothes, weapons, etc which could be used to upgrade your avatar. The problem is I am no designer and don't have the time to create/design all these things.

I was wondering if anyone knew any programs I could use that could allow me to quickly create such things.

Amy help be appreciated
I don't mind 3d or 2d main thing is that the model is there and I don't have to build it.
I know Photoshop doesn't come with any predefined models but does Cinema4D??
The only models which will be built in to 3D software are primitives like spheres, cubes, cones etc. There are sites you can download high quality models from, but they will cost you.

What exactly are you looking for?

I don't mind paying, am looking for warrior type characters, the concept being your warrior starts of weak no armour and then you can build up your warrior up, similar that you see in many games. From a programming point of view it be just a series of images that can be used to upgrade your character, so most likely be transparent pngs, so each character will be the same build, pposition and height which will make it easier to change clothing, weapons and armour. Then have things like maybe changing ears, eyes, etc
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