Programming advice C++,Java,ASP, books?

24 Feb 2004
Hi all

This is going to be a fairly long post so I do apologise :)

To sum up basically I need to learn C#, Java, ASP.NET and most importantly C++ and Need to become fairly competent in C++ at least for now. I need to write programs for widows that utilise quite complicated statistical/Mathematical modelling of quite elaborate financial instruments. I need to make programs that take data from a live feed and analysis it and then transmits the information over local network to other computers/programs that use the data.

What do I know so far?

Well, many many moons ago I knew C++ and ASP 3 and visual basic 5. I left computing and concentrated on mathematics/statistics/Finance so you can imagine I have forgotten much. I am however very well versed in Matlab, Q ,SOL and various other statistical packages and quite good scripting and regularly create Very large scripts in MATLAB so not a complete nubie by a long shot.

What I really need is book advice as things are a mine field, many years ago it was much simpler.

I have been given these books so far

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step by John Sharpe Step by step(too basic this book :( )

Beginning Visual Stuio C# 2010 by Wrox Press

Beginning ASP.NET 4 Wrox Press

What I need to know is

1) Shall I throw these books in the bin and buy their respective visual studio 2012 versions that have just been released or can I save money and just read them?

2) What book do you recommend for C++

so far I have been looking at this two volume set


3) would it be better to learn visual C++ as opposed to C++?

Sorry for the mundane questions

4) would a Intel Atom 1.86ghz netbook, 2gb ram, 128GB SSD 1366x768 screen be enough for programming, ie learning on. Would it run the visual studio 2012/10 SDK well enough?

I have a laptop but its too heavy to carry around and also have a main desktop which is more than enough but at the moment cant afford to splash on a new laptop but can stretch to a portable netbook. Need it to be cheap as chips :)

I need to learn this stuff fairly quickly and most probably concurrently, so any tips would be appreciated.

thanks for taking time to read and appreciate any feedback you might have.
Last edited:
24 Feb 2004
Learning visual c++ is the same as learning c++, except for the IDE. Visual c++ is just MS' version of c++.

For c++, first you need to find out if you will be programming in c++11, or 'plain c++'.

An Atom is fine for learning c++ on. I would not want to sit through compiling + linking code that is O(10^5) lines of code or larger, though.

thanks for all the help guys, much appreciated.

I will start with C++ then and visual C#. I am not sure what C++11 is really but from reading it just seem to be C++ that has been upgraded, apparently the transition should be easy after learning C++. Unless you think i should just jump straight into C++11. I am have been told to use C++ or Java but I do have some flexibility.

The atom based laptop is just for learning only problem is its a single core atom :( if I need more computing power I can use my desktop or remote remote login to my desktop machine. I have already loaded Matlab and visual studio and everything works fine but slow a little. What took 20 seconds to do on desktop took 4 minutes on my atom based netbook with Matlab but it will do as its cheap and light :)

Should I keep the visual C# 2010 books or buy the Visual C# 2012 books?
is it worth it as I can get them real cheap now.

thanks for that will look into this :)

Let me see how I get on with this, will let you all know what book I get and how they are and if they worth buying.

thanks all
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