Programming advice

19 Jul 2006
Looking for a bit of advice, got a bit of time to dedicate to learning more programming stuff.
Bit of background. Know some basic old school php - none oop and probably outdated ways of doing stuff.
Have played with codeignitor and built a database driven site.
Also used .net C# mvc4 I think to build a similar site. This was my first real understanding of mvc and loved the editor.

Anyways heard some stuff about RoR becoming big but I heard that in 2006 and it doesn't seam to have kicked on?

So my question is what should I concentrate on? I don't really have any projects in mind. Is RoR the future or is Swift worth it or should I stick to a more traditional one in php or .net.
I'm guessing most work would come from web apps/ web sites but again this is just going to be a hobby not for a project or job.

Thanks in advance
19 Jul 2006
Thanks all, radderfire that's kind of what I wanted to hear, become good at one, or know little bits about one.
I'm guessing you can more or less get to the same end product with each language just by different means.

At the moment I'm thinking it will be small freelance stuff if anything
19 Jul 2006
All I have done at the moment is web stuff, and must have that is just CRUD stuff.
Id like to a bit more then that if I'm honest.
19 Jul 2006
To be honest I've done a bit of web design and I'm not really keen on the all creative process of it. I'm much more comfortable trying to get things to work then look pretty.

Back in the day and my first OOP was done in (macramedia) Adobe Director using its Lingo code. We made a space invaders clone. I know that its probably a dead language and only really usedful for games but I understood what was going on.

Probably I have spent to much time on front end stuff and design rather then what im more interested in.

Im thinking C# at the moment as I like the IDE in Visual Studio. Would learning .net just limit me to 'websites' or would I be able to write small windows programs. Something like a program to monitor processes?
19 Jul 2006
Ok I'm a bit stuck. Have been watching some of the videos on c# fundamentals and get some of the basic stuff
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Week1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Console.WriteLine("how many boxes?");
            //string boxes = Console.ReadLine();
            //Console.WriteLine("How many per box?");
            //string perBox = Console.ReadLine();

            //    int total = int.Parse(boxes) * int.Parse(perBox);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Total on wagon = {0}", total);
            //    Console.ReadLine();
            //catch (System.FormatException)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Please enter numbers only!");
            //    Console.ReadLine();


        private string Box ()
            Console.WriteLine("How many boxes?");
            string Box = Console.ReadLine();
            return (Box);

        private string NumInBox ()
            Console.WriteLine("How many in the box?");
            string NumInBox = Console.ReadLine();
            return (NumInBox);
        private void total (string Box, string NumInBox)
                int total = int.Parse(Box) * int.Parse(NumInBox);
                Console.WriteLine("Total on wagon = {0}", total);
            catch (System.FormatException)
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter numbers only!");

The code commented out in the main method is what I wrote it works and I understand it all.
I was then trying to make my own methods to get user inputs and then one to multiply them again ( so doing same as before but more of a OOP approach?. I know its not a good example but just wanted to try it out.)
My thoughs are they all should be private as they are only used in the class. the first two have no inputs and the last one does as it accepts the first two numbers and is void as it returns nothing?.
Is my thinking right even if the implimentation is wrong
I was then going to call them in order from the main method. But this doesn't work

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