Programming Chipped Keys

28 Jan 2005
Hi all

I have recently been told that i can program a blank key using my car but i need to have 2 original chipped keys. ANyone know how to do this?
The car i will be doing it for will be a Ford KA2 R reg

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Ford PATS from 98' onwards allows you to program new keys if you have two current coded keys. Here's how to do it;

* Insert the first already programmed key into the ignition and turn to position II
* Turn back to 0 and remove the key
* Insert the second already programmed key into the ignition and turn to position II
* Turn back to 0 and remove the key
* Key programming mode is now activated and you have ten seconds to:
* Insert the unprogrammed new key into the ignition and turn to position II
* Turn back to 0 and remove the key
* Allow 10 seconds to pass for the system to exit programming mode.
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