Programming Humour

19 Jul 2006
Wrong side of the tracks
Top 11 Reasons to Become a Visual Basic Programmer

11. When competing for a job, most of the other applicants can't speak English.

10. After 2-3 years experience, you are considered a "senior" developer.

9. You get to make fun of MS Access developers.
Hey, at least there's somebody worse off than you.

8. If something you made doesn't work, you can always blame Microsoft.

7. No formal education required, just ability to click NEXT in the wizard.

6. You never have to worry about maintaining code because it will just be rewritten.

5. You won't have to buy a new wardrobe. Khakis and polos are as good as it gets.

4. Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition comes with a "Blackjack Card Game Starter Kit"

3. Almost everything you need to know is in the "Complete Idiots Guide."

2. On your CV, you can include beta testing for SOE and NCSoft 3.
No one knows what you do. Make them think its important.

1. Get your diploma and start your career half-way through secondary school!
I copied it and emailed it to my collegue who 'maintains' (or doesn't) the Access database and it's VB code...

What can I say, I do HTML and PHP.... oooo what an insult I just made.... lol
Nice one Mr nice ;) is an excellent website...ironically I am in the middle of re-writing a VB6 app which bears an uncanny resemblance to the screenshot under "Surgical Module Changes".


IMO, your perceptions on C# vs VB(.Net) depend on your coding background.

Mine is ostensibly C++ and Java, I picked up C# pretty quickly then had to make the transition to VB.Net for a number of work-related reasons outside of my control - and I didn't find it particularly taxing. I am MCAD (for all that's worth) in both C# and VB.Net (doing literally one exam then the other) and the similarities between the languages far outweigh any trivial syntax/formatting issues.

There's no real reason to go with one or the other - it's just a question of which language's syntax you prefer.

If, on the other hand, we are talking about versions of VB prior to VB.Net (VBA, VB6/5/4, VBScript, etc etc), well that's another fish-kettle and another thread entirely. But if it's VB.Net vs C# - the only difference between them is how they are perceived because they are, to all intents and purposes identical.

Mr^B said:
the only difference between them is how they are perceived because they are, to all intents and purposes identical.


Would that be microsoft trying to charge you twice for the same thing again?
Mr^B said:
But if it's VB.Net vs C# - the only difference between them is how they are perceived because they are, to all intents and purposes identical.

Strictly speaking, not true; there are a few things that C# can do that VB.NET can't, and vice versa. ;)

I wish people would stop referring to VB.NET as Visual Basic; they're completely different things :confused:
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