programming with macbook ?

30 Nov 2005
i am learning a little c++/java and I am thinking of buying a macbook can i develop with them or is a pc based soultion better?
"better" is a matter of personal preference. i use OSX for everything, except my computer at work is Windows, and only for email.

with OSX, i prefer the environment and the fact that hardly anyone's been bothered to write malware for it, so i dont have to worry about babysitting my computer when i could be being productive.

there's valid reasons to go for either platform, and at the end of the day, it just depends which you prefer. if you're a PC user now, i'd go to your local Apple store and try out the OSX environment as only you can decide whether it's going to suit you. have a chat with one of the Geniuses (Genii?) there and they should be able to help you :)
Macs are actually a pretty good development platform (as long as you realise that any binaries you produce will not be compatible with PCs!)

If you are a member of ADC you can download a Mac-specific IDE called XCode (this may also come free with your copy of Tiger) as part of the Apple Developer Tools (which includes gcc).

Eclipse is also available for OS X and you can purchase a lot of commercial apps such as Dreamweaver and Codewarrior for the Mac as well.
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