Project: Badonde

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8 Aug 2007
OcUK Forum Members...

the time has come.

my beautiful TJ07 needs to go. this is not a decrease in performance but a decrease in size.
i dont need a 6 core 12 threaded monster to play COD...

after many days benching i have decided that a westmere cpu and high end x58 gaming rig is not the best idea for playing Call Of Duty and dossing around on forums. but playing my games at 2560X1600 is a big chore so the 480 is going to have to stay

now i want to achieve the following:

Small Form Factor
Processing Power
Gaming Performance

I plan on the following spec.

Lian Li PC-Q08
Gigabyte H55N-USB3
Intel I5 760 @4GHz
Corsair XMS3 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 PC3-12800C9 1600MHz Dual Channel Kit
Asus GTX480
Corsair HX850W PSU
2X Intel 160GB SSD
Lamptron - FC2
Full system watercooling

its coming soon.
its going to be mental
pics to follow....
Look forward to seeing this rjk, the first iteration of your TJ07 was fantastic, the later additions/changes made it even better again.
Gotta admit, the TJ07 has to be the perfect case for watercooling, i considered watercooling in my current A70F, lot of hassle though, its a good case but not perfect tbh.
can easily dointernal water in a q08. a 240 roof mod is possible. :) Only an i5 though?

Keeping case layout stock or going to lay the mobo flat and build a shelf?
Don't bother man! Why bother scaling down? Give it a few years and it'll be rate slow anyway. :P
Good luck with this, I have the Lian Li PC-V354B which is basically a bigger Q08, the motherboard mounting makes cable management a challenge.
Should be interesting, Im looking at something similar for Uni next year :p

Quick question: Thought that the H55 chipset was generally unsuitable for higher overclocks with i5? Or does that only apply to certain boards?
i think they are ok with i5's, i know i7's are flakey to have 24/7 4ghz through due to simple mobo limitations (too small, too hot) (ie, im not even touching an oc on my dfi due to reliability problems with them)
the board has been on my hitlist since its release.
Gigabyte have done a fantastic job with it and it is superior to a lot of theirs and Asus's full ATX stuff.

the reason i am downsizing is because i really dont use my computer to its full potential.
i have done a load of testing, i plan on keeping my 480 as i am not getting rid of my 30" Dell. so i need the horsepower for that.
my two ssds are staying as space is going to be tight and i will miss the speed.

as far as processing power goes, my current Westmere X5680 is sat in my UD7 at 4.4GHz with my Dominator GT running 2000MHz [7-7-7-18 1T]
it is totally rapid but i know that i wont need it.
i dont fold much anymore and i dont encode anything at all. so my processor choice was made easier.

i tried a 655k clarkdale [2C4T] this was quick and clocked to around 4.6
the boards ocp kicked in after that and hard locked it.
i tried an 875k lynfield [4C8T] which was my initial plan. H55 is poor for clocking the 1156 i7s, this is something i was aware of. but the chip only managed 3.4
the problem with this is that i disabled LLC to get round the OCP kicking in and hard locking, but the board just flaked out after that. multi/bclk clocking gave the same results.

i moved onto the i5 760 as it was the best middle ground. i got the chip at 4GHz easy [200X20] using around 1.35v. without LLC enabled, it does jump around a lot in windows but it is stable. and with the 8gb of memory i am very happy with that. its snappy in windows and is arguably above and beyond the middle ground out of all of the 1156 chips i was considering.

im currently debating if i should have the case powdercoated.
Lian Li cases look sublime for the first day you have them and then they look disgusting once you get fingerprints on the brushed alu
was considering a white gloss powdercoat. NathWraith was looking at this case yesterday and the finish is superb and i think it would really suit the case that i want to use.
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