Project Blitz!

28 Jul 2011
East Midlands, Nottingham
Second build and i'm calling it Blitz!

"An intensive or sudden military attack" Lol

I will house my parts inside a Corsair C70 Arctic White case and later down the line when my budget expands it will follow a Snow/Military camouflage theme.

Project Blitz!

- Corsair Vengeance C70 Arctic White

Power Supply
- Corsair AX750 PSU
- AX750 White Braided Cables

Core Components
- Asus Sabertooth Z77 Motherboard (1155)
- i7 3770K Ivybridge CPU
- H100i Liquid Cooler Bundled with Twin Pack SP120's
- Corsair Vengeance 16GB Quad Channel Kit 1600MHZ (Black)
- EVGA SC GTX 680 (White)

- Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD (7200RPM) 32MB Cache
- OCZ Vertex 4 128GB SSD

- Discrete Cold Cathodes (White)

As for the case, I want it to be fully windowed and later down the line looking similar to this,


Any comments/suggestions to changing things around is always appreciated keep in mind the theme i'm going for, also will be ordering sometime on Monday, thanks :)
Sounds like an interesting build and a nice spec. Just a word of warning the evga sc 680's are actually silver in the flesh. Not sure on the classifieds & ftw but the signatures are. I got them as I liked the white I have watercooled them now so no issue for me. They do pass as white in your case however.

The corsair psu cables are ok and the shrink wrap comes off as the braid uses a shrink less method (ax1200 anyway) looks much better without the inch long shrink they used.

I would personally get mdpc braid and do it yourself it looks much, much better.

Hope this helps
Sounds like an interesting build and a nice spec. Just a word of warning the evga sc 680's are actually silver in the flesh. Not sure on the classifieds & ftw but the signatures are. I got them as I liked the white I have watercooled them now so no issue for me. They do pass as white in your case however.

The corsair psu cables are ok and the shrink wrap comes off as the braid uses a shrink less method (ax1200 anyway) looks much better without the inch long shrink they used.

I would personally get mdpc braid and do it yourself it looks much, much better.

Hope this helps

The only reason I planned on buying the cables was just because I'm not a very patient person and braiding looks like it would really get on my nerves hah, I think the EVGA SC wont look too bad, with a cold cathode in their it should look more on the white side, probably? :D
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Yeah it does. I just know a few people who have been slightly unhappy as they thought it would was ice white. They still look the business. Braiding does take a while but it's nice to get to the end and enjoy the fruits. I was pretty pleased with the Corsair PSU cables they just look so much better without the shrink. Especially in white.

Good luck with the build
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