Project Blue

22 May 2011
Eventhough this is now technically retrospective I feel I should share my first ever build with you guys.

I've always wanted to build my own rig and sadly never the space to do so, when I got my own place with my missus however all that changed :)

Had money I had been saving up for the rig and decided to build it myself, how hard could it be? ;)

When the case arrived (bought components in two halves as I had a £500 limit on CC) I was astounded by how huge it was for a 'mid' case :O

My Asus P8P67-M PRO, fantastic little board and it is all pretty and blue ;) (if you can't tell i'm going for a blue rig here)

Intel i5-2500K outstanding little chip, wanted the best to play my games on, overclocks a beauty.

8GB of Corsair Vengance Blue @1600MHz Figured I may as well pay more for the larger DIMMs, after all, bigger is better ;)

Corsair H60, only reason I wanted this is that it is more compact than the H50 and a lot smaller than air coolers, also it is very quiet and keeps the CPU well chilled, also was my tiny dabble into the world of watercooling :P

Gigabyte GTX560 Ti, outstanding card, never owned a PC with over 128MB of VRAM before ;) the performance on this is great, OC'd to 1GHz in seconds :)

Guilty pleasure, I had never experienced an SSD before, but my god they are great, my loading times are the envy of all my friends on LoL. Although not really found a game which it offers significant load times over a SATA 6Gb/s HDD.

Power supply, 750W (plan on going SLI with the 560's) modular, saves a lot on in case clutter :)

2TB Caviar Green, really struggling to fill with Movies and Games but I feel I'll manage, didn't know OEM purchases came without retail packaging, which is a shame cos I felt the box looked really cool, but pfft, twas cheaper ;)

Inside of the case is very very roomy :) initally I did mount the stadoffs WRONG :( which lead to contact on the Mobo (don't worry I never powered on) Initally thought I had bought the ATX version of my board, doh!

Board mounted correctly :) I/O shield was a tough thing to do as everything I did was entirely new to me and I didn't know if pushing and sliding etc was the norm :P Everything I did, I learned off teh interwebs!!!

SSD in place and hooked up, yes I know theres nothing mounting it but I didn't care, it was an oversight not in the budget ;)

UPDATE: Bought a Scythe twin mounter, now sits comfortably.

Caviar Green in place, Coolermasters mounting trays were a joy to use.

H60 mounted, although at this time I hadn't bought the CPU or RAM or GPU yet, couldn't place the pump over the bracket as there was far too much cable tension, I recommend removing the rad to keep the cable loose when mounted the pump on the CPU.

My Vengeance blue RAM and my trusty Phillips head ;)
(He's gonna save your ass a fair few times so make sure you have a decent one, and a flat-head, especially with screwing down fans, a good PH will tear the sinking off the screw-head, that's when Mr. Flathead saves your bacon.

H60 and RAM comfortably seated, advice when seating the cooler, COMMIT, don't half ass it, decide your gonna do it then push it on and tighten diagonally, stops smudging or ruining the TIM, also RAM only fits one way /facepalm

(NOTE: CPU is fitted underneath ;) )

My GTX 560 Ti seated, easy enough, push in, hear click, screw down, wire up, literally anyone can build a PC as long as they RTFM!

Pwnage cable management, round the back is better than up the front ;)
Dont' worry it's all cable tied and neat now, these cavities are the enthusiasts best friend :D

UPDATE: Bought two Scythe Gentle Tyhoons for my H60 in push/pull and they make less noise toether than the Corsair fan and dropped my load temps by 10oC!

Also bought two Asaka Blues for the roof exaust, keep excellent airflow, damn near silent and the lights are purdy :)

Final product, although it has the case on and the spare CM fan on the side airing the GPU :) Corsair fan makes a racket if not bolted to a rad :S

I am a total testament to the power of the Internet and YouTube, everything I researched, looked up, examined, or bought I did after coming to forums like this and perusing YouTube.

When I first booted the PC I though "will it POST?" and guess what... It didn't. I troubleshot everything, resat most components and even RMA'd the GPU, had a 1,3 error GPU. Card was fine, thankfully the competitor, who I won't name, offered to pick up my rig, and fix it, for free, seeing as all my parts were from them, although they said that didn't matter, if they didn't hold a valid warranty they'd call you up and ask what you wanted instead, then bill yah!

I never lost faith (well maybe a little) and after branding myself a failure and preparing to pay their £30 PEBKAC error fee if no components are faulty, lo and behold, a call! Moboard is faulty, really badly faulty. Replaced and everything is perfect. (Admission these people actually were the ones who cable tied my back, without my permission :P)

If you feel you can't build a PC, spend maybe 5h on youtube, google what you get stuck on but for crying out load, don't give up!

Once you've built one you just can't stop, I just wanna keep buying new things for my baby.


SLI 560's
1080p monitor
gaming peripherals.

Need to save a little more tho ;)

Thanks for reading :)
Great build mate and congrats on getting it working. Nothing like the feeling of building it yourself for the first time.

What temps you getting?

And you're right! Once the bug bites... its damn hard trying to stop yourself "upgrading" all the time.
Nice first build. It's so nice to want to do something for so long and then have a chance to actually do it.

But oh dear did you read the Project logs rules?

Project Logs Rules said:
9. No H50/H70 under any circumstances. :p

Ok I suppose technically that's a H60 but still. :p
Fair play to him he hasn't technically broken any rules but did I miss some banter regarding why they can't be used?
Fair play to him he hasn't technically broken any rules but did I miss some banter regarding why they can't be used?

rjkoneill has a particular dislike for them - I suspect this is because he considers them boring (which is entirely valid). Read the section rules.
Ah yeh never scrolled down into the replies before. Thought the rule more of a laugh to get it up to 10 "commandments".

Back to topic though, whats temps you getting on your gpu? Looking at getting one myself and just curious (I know there are plenty of reviews etc but just nice to see what normal people get too :) )
CPU Idles at 25-28 after 5 IBT @Max it never peaks over 62.

GPU, sadly I cannot give good feedback at the moment as I only have a 19" capable of 1440x900. The 560ti tears furmark a new one, even more so at the 1GHz overclock. However at 1440 res, a 460 could do this.

Plan on getting a 21" 1080p LED monitor soon, from here naturally. :)

Then I can really tax the card :P

(If you must know, at 1440 res, the 560ti gets about 325 fps on furmark, so it's not really valid :P)
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