Project C.I.D. (Sid)

1 Jul 2015
Ok this project has nothing to do with the Counter Intelligence Department but Computer Integrated Desk, or simply Sid for short. Yes it is another desk build. My original plan was to build it from scratch so I did not have to pay as much money for the LianLi desk but I am starting to feel it is going to be far more lol.

A little background story because this whole idea is totally insane and proves to myself, parents and all that know me is that I am an awkward bugger and can never do things the easy way. Two years ago I bought the AMD FX-8350 to replace some aged tri-core am3+ cpu and I started to notice that it ran very hot (admittedly a decent cooler did help it become less hot but where is the fun in leaving at that) and my dad pipes and say "why not water cool it?" So like most sane people I started to look into water cooling, reading how to's and watching youtube videos tutorials and personal/commercial vlogs and I was hooked. I started looking into costs from all inclusive kits to total custom loops and the plethora of cases that can be used.

So water cooling was going to happen but I could not decide on what to do and which cases I liked plus there was this cool idea from LianLi for a computer desk (which I had played around with before without this idea of water cooling it). My original ideas I had long before when it came to computers integrated into the desk was simply hide the pc away from view and have a few peripherals and components accessible from the desk top, usb hub and optical drive mostly. If I was going to water cool I did not want to hide it away, I wanted to show it off but I did not like the way LianLi do it where it is almost a work surface, I wanted mine to be almost like a picture frame. So I started working on the designs below.

Another thing I wanted to do was incorporate a second rig into the mix, one would be purely for purely gaming and the other would serve as a media server, media player, general use, browsing rig all tied into the WC loop. Ok this seems excessive but I already have this set up in my room, a case with my gaming rig in which gets turned off at night and my "server" rig which is on all the time and is already fairly quiet but with the aid of WC'ing I can make it quieter. I will go onto what specs I have later but I think it is time for pics of my original designs.


This is the first design I did (originally on a scrap of paper)


I started to refine the design


I tried to re-arrange things but it looked out of place.

I have a final design now and will at some point will work it out on sketchup


Ignore the mobo make and size it is just for general placement idea. The res is the Photon 270


The aluminium that the mobo is sitting on is going to be the mobo tray (painted white) and the aluminium on the mobo is where the gpu and water block will sit (the height should be in all only a few mm higher than the res.

The colour scheme is black, white and pink

Ok onto specs that will be used, and please remember I am using a lot of what I already have so it is mainly AMD.

Gaming Rig

MSI AM3+ Krait Edition (for the black and white theme not for serious OC)
AMD FX 8350
MSI Gaming Edition AMD R9 290
16gb HyperX White 1866 DDR3
Kingston HyperX SSD Boot Drive and do a custom paint job with some white or pink to fit colours.
And either a large capacity HDD or a raid SSD
(in the ilustrations I have 3 27" monitors for gaming but I have decided to go for one of the ultra wide monitors, not decided which yet)


Identical to gaming rig except
AMD FX 4300
GPU to be determined
And a lot more hdd's for media storage

Water Cooling
CPU EK-Supremacy EVO - Nickel
GPU Bitspower VG-AR9290X Acrylic Top With Stainless Panel (Clear)
Res XSPC Photon 270
Pump EK-Dual DDC 3.2 PWM X-TOP With Dual Laing 18w DDC Pumps
Rads 4xCoolgate CG360 360mm Radiator (or whatever is on offer)
Fans Vardar F3-120 (1850rpm) I think lol
Fittings Visible A mixture of Barrow and Bits Fenix for hard tubing
Fittings Underside Whatever cheapest and works well with flexible tubing
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Looking forward to seeing the end product as you're plans paint a great picture along with the sketchup models. Just a quick question, why are you using an FX 4300 in the server and how does it perform.

Good luck with the desk as it should turn out great :D
I loosely call it a server, it will do the job of serving media to the rest of my flat full time but I will use it to watch stuff whilst gaming, checking email and so on so is really just a normal computer doing the additional work of a media server. The reason I went for the quad core was just to give it enough power that it can do all I want it do and not cost a fortune and so far it works a charm but it is made simpler by the fact I am running linux on it instead of windows and although I do not have the three monitor set up just yet I am running pretty much everything I want to be running on the multi monitor set up so just need a fairly decent gpu and if I can get a matching one to the gaming rig cheaply I might just mirror that as well lol
A little note, this project is going to take ages, I have little money and have to save for each part. It has taken nearly a year to get where I am not and that is, once past the designs, a res, all the fittings for the visible section, updated the memory to ones I want (and saying that I have only 8gb of it so far) and the aluminium for the mobo tray, gpu mount and raid cards if I decide to go that root. In three weeks time I will be getting the gpu waterblock from the US (no where in the UK stocks them) and so on.

This week I will be working on the cut outs for the mobo tray and if I have enough money I will get the stand offs, etching primer and paint.

Even if I had lots of money this project would be taking a lot of time but between getting components, peripherals, materials, tools and other stuff I am having to learn new skills from metal working to wood working as well as the water cooling skills so I am in for the long haul
A little note, this project is going to take ages, I have little money and have to save for each part. It has taken nearly a year to get where I am not and that is, once past the designs, a res, all the fittings for the visible section, updated the memory to ones I want (and saying that I have only 8gb of it so far) and the aluminium for the mobo tray, gpu mount and raid cards if I decide to go that root. In three weeks time I will be getting the gpu waterblock from the US (no where in the UK stocks them) and so on.

This week I will be working on the cut outs for the mobo tray and if I have enough money I will get the stand offs, etching primer and paint.

Even if I had lots of money this project would be taking a lot of time but between getting components, peripherals, materials, tools and other stuff I am having to learn new skills from metal working to wood working as well as the water cooling skills so I am in for the long haul

It may take a long time to save but trust me, it will be worth it :)
Thanks for the support, it is an interesting project and is definitely something that is keeping me occupied. I have drilled some of the holes for the mobo tray but am stuck now till I get the mobo and both cpu and gpu waterblocks before I can proceed with the pass through holes. I was going to guesstimate it with an old board as a reference but changed my mind and decided to wait for accuracy instead of speed. It constantly surprises me how much and many of the little things I need to get, because of the way I am going to mount the gpu I need so many more male to female standoffs, dowl's to help connect and secure mobo tray with frame, also realising the need to get specialist tools is annoying, like making a 20mm hole. Thankfully I now know my neighbour has the right drill bit for the job so that saves some pennies :)

Will post pics later of marked and then drilled mobo tray
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