Project Cars on Titan X with Vive help Deciding Please

12 Jan 2017
Hi guys,

Considering purchasing a Titan x to run Pcars and dirt in VR on Vive because my 1080 doesn't seem to cut it very well.

There seem to be very little articles giving a definitive review on this. I have a couple of baskets ready to take to checkout for my water cool build and one of them has an i7 7700 (to change from my 6600k)

Will it be worth the swap or should I wait and see about the New cards coming? I can't see that the TI and Vega will be better than the Titan X. wondering what detail levels I will be able to run at 90fps

Cheers for any input.
stuff it, I seen that there was only 1 pre binned i7 left and just placed the order from OCUK for half the stuff. went ahead and ordered Titan x.

Will be selling my Gigabyte g1 1080 gtx now!
Absorbentsolid;30484874 said:
Not sure how your 1080 wasn't quite cutting it. I'm using a 4790k at 4.8ghz and a 980ti and i have no problems running it. But i hope you're happy from a 1080 to titan x.

Glad to hear your setup is working well, thats all that matters really. I am actually annnoyed that I couldnt seem to get results I was happy with using the 1080, It is flawless on everything except racing in VR for me and this is my main gaming genre when I actually have time to game.

Setting everything on Low with 2x AA I was having the odd stuttering issue and the odd bout of reprojection when you had a few cars and some weather effects going. Looking at my frame timings showed the odd CPU spike too. I wanted 90fps solid where possible and a half decent field of oppoinents.

I looked at this as well:

and that helped sway me. Ill be skint now but I just want to play with no issues.

I really hope that SMP is implemented well in PCars 2 and other racing titles in the future, how else are we going to get 90fps with higher FOV and resolution? Foveated rendering will help as well I guess.

The old stuff is going on to a nice new home for flight sims and the guy is saving money and getting a better setup into the bargain.

I hope I don't regret it when Vega and 1080TI finally appear :/
varkanoid;30487188 said:
Agree Project Cars is known for being CPU intensive. 1080 > Titan X for one game or so all I can say is Doh!

Overclocking CPU more would have been better and cheaper.

How doh? Its not only for one game, thats just what I mainly play. It is also a bit of future proofing... I wasn't too impressed with the 1080 compared to what I thought performance would be like and when I get a 4k monitor I'm already a good bit ahead for gaming. Also I got a bit of extra hours at work so I'm not going to miss the money at the moment due to being able to sell my other stuff for a reasonable price to get something that I want to spend my money on, offset with the other cash.

Doh might have more relative to what I spent going from a 26" to 27.5" mountain bike last year with only a marginal gain! ;) :)

And before it starts... no my back isn't up but those type of comments always follow a purchase such as this on forums and yes I can see that I did sound like I bought it mainly for one game but as I said - a little bit of future proofing. Its part of a new build in a new p5 case with all RGB lighting and a 270z Maximus mobo with G.Skill LED ram so I want to push the boat out and only maybe only have to add SLI Titan x to keep current for the next wee while :) I have never had the opportunity to spend this much on a PC before so I'm trying to enjoy it!

But I appreciate the comments, I am aiming to overclock this to 5Ghz with the Der8auer i7 7700 Delid so yes you are correct as well and I had sort of thought of that so good shout there my friend :)
RoyMi6;30487411 said:
The problem here is actually likely the Vive rather than the graphics card.

I have both, I love both, but the Rift's Async TimeWarp and Async SpaceWrap blow the Vive out of the water with graphically intensive game that weren't made from the ground up for VR.

I'd imagine your money would have been better spent on a Rift just for Project Cars rather than a new GC to be honest - I'd be surprised if you saw any real improvement that couldn't have also been gained by just turning one graphics setting down a notch or two.

Although I'll admit you obviously couldn't sell your 1080 to fund your Rift purchase! :)

Yeah true, a rift without a card would be a little problematic but...

I always said to my daughter that having a good imagination is important. Mine is in 8k 90fps and depending on what I drink it can be a decent experience :/

I don't really have the room to faff about with 2 headsets either but if Oculus had the touch controllers out earlier then I would have gone there possibly. It's hard o tell, I've been a fan of the vive since I saw it. Hopefully they keep adding things in modular steps so you can change the headset and change the controllers etc... without going to a whole new system as the tech progresses. Thats how I see it evolving.

I would like to think that I can SLI the Titan next year if it is still a relevant enough card and maybe most games will support it along with a headset with a slight resolution bump

as above, I appreciate the input and the differing opinions
JaFFa;30492615 said:
Just to add, I have both vive and rift, whilst I use the vive for the majority of applications, Pcars is def one that works a lot better on the Rift.

Unfortunately I've heard this too. :/

I am really looking forward to seeing what they come up with vr wise for pcars 2 but I'm not holding my breath haha.

All my new bits arrived today but I'm not home until tomorrow. Looking forward to building up the system and then the realisation that it cost me too much for what it will achieve! I like a wee project though :/
TitanXP, 6800k & Vive myself. Had to mess around with settings a bit to find the sweet spot. The game is buggy in VR. I was blown away at first but never found myself going back and I enjoy a good racer.

SteamVR/Vive has full support for Async Time Warp (ATW) now, and they're moving towards Async Space Warp (ASW). ASW is definitely better, but it would be incorrect to wholly claim that the Vive is at fault here.

SteamVR also has a great option called "Always on Reprojection" - It can be used in games where your head is relatively static, i.e. non-roomscale games. It sacrifices a small amount of precision in head tracking to give your GPU ~2-3ms more time to render. When every frame needs to be done in 11ms, 2-3ms makes a huge difference.

You can use "Always on Reprojection" with ATW for an incredibly smooth experience through CPU/GPU spikes.

Some good points here. I have a friend who had bought my old pc and he is going for the rift for flight sim type experiences.

I am disappointed to hear that the rift is pulling ahead over the vive from anow overall experience stand point. I was hoping there wouldn't be much between them when I bought the vive but I won't be changing headset until there are some bigger upgrades out headset wise.

I like the tip about the always on reprojection, some more food for thought.

As I said above I didn't just buy the titan x for this game but partly because I haven't had a top of the line card like that before and partly in the hope that it will remain competitive until I sell it. I'm looking forward to having a good mess about with water cooling etc... and I wanted to spend a lot on my components so I didn't have to change them for a while.

It did help that reviews I saw said there was a very large difference between the titan x and the 1080gtx which I expected more from tbh. Part of that is down to software optimisation as well I guess.

I don't regret the purchase but I do take on board what everyone is saying. I'll report back when I'm done building and you can all mock my over spend!
I have no experience of the Vive but PCars on my Rift and 1080 is amazing, I have spent more time in PCars than any other VR title including Elite Dangerious. I did take a while to get the settings right, might be worth taking a look in the PCars settings thread.

This all on my old FX8350 :D

Yeah I messed with the settings a lot but as with everyone else it won't stay above 90fps even on a 1080. Seen reviews saying the same. It does run well in reprojection but my goal is to build a pc that will work above 90fps and last me for a couple of years without upgrading
Agree Project Cars is known for being CPU intensive. 1080 > Titan X for one game or so all I can say is Doh!

Overclocking CPU more would have been better and cheaper.

Nvidia taking a return of the unused titan card so I can save some cash and buy a 1080ti. Just waiting on the RMA. They better not mess me about haha. The guy on the phone said no problem. I'm still painting my new case so no rush as long as I get rid of it I can pre order a ti.

Didn't expect the ti to be better than a titan... I could live with the £ difference if the titan was slightly better but to release a ti that's basically better for half the price will make for many many unhappy nvidia fanboys. I'll definately be moving to amd for my pc again as soon as it's required. They must be bricking it looking at the vega specs etc... to drop priced this early. Tactical as they want people to say oh well no need to wait for vega now. As bad as intel.
Just to bring this back from the dead for info... I said the titan for a Ti before I opened it and was refunded the difference. I think a good bit of any issues ii was having that nobody could help me with were to do with the rendering pipeline which I read on Reddit. Leaving always on reprojection checked when playing seated games gives the gpu longer to render it's frame. It is possible I was having timing issues.

I have pcars 2 now and it runs great on the Ti and I am very happy compared to the 1080.

Cheers guys
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