Project: CASCADE

23 Sep 2019

Hi Everyone,

I would like to introduce my new build - Project Cascade.

It will feature a custom cascade style waterfall reservoir. For the overall design I plan on using an inverted motherboard paired with brass chrome tubing to give it an industrial look. The parts will be specifically chosen to match the theme of the build. Aesthetics will be the primary goal combined with respectable performance.



To be updated....
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All the parts have been cut to exact dimensions.

12 parts in total.


Fill port at the top.

Drilled and tapped.


Inlet and Outlet on the side. Initially I had it at the back, but due to space constraints and loop design I figured it would be better placed on the side.​
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Closer look at the ports.


Diverter valve to control the flow and leveler in the center. Subject to change. Still experimenting.


Face of the reservoir. Only 10 cm in width. Height is the biggest factor in any waterfall.


Beveled face.


Decent finish from a saw cut. You can expect glass like clarity once it's sanded and polished.


Beveled edge certainly gives a more aggressive and beefier look.
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Have a look at these fall walls. Both of them have grooves cut into it. The difference is first one has straight slits which results in even flow, but it is also very loud. The second one has slits cut at a downward angle, sort of like a slope. It's a lot of quieter, but due to no resistance the water descends very quickly. So when the water hits the base it can result in splashing and possible aeration. Not good in a WC system. So for my design I changed things around.


Same grooves, but added a zig zag (sort of like herringbone pattern). This should release surface tension. Perhaps allow linear flow.


The 2nd wall will act as a bridge and the 3rd wall will be close to the pond so straight grooves are fine. The back ledge has 4 twin holes to prevent air lock. Although never had an issue in my previous res I don't want any cavitation problems with the pump.

If I'm not the happy with the flow or overall design I guess I'll just make another one :D. For now it is what it is.
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